
One of the sad developments in American commerce was the privatization of basic utilities which had been previously semi-public entities. Alas, America lost Ma Bell. We were told back then that privatization would bring about needed competition which would lower prices but of course all of that was a lie. Certain things must be public. Basic energy needs for every household in America are not some frills that should be adjusted helter-skelter by free enterprise. It is too essential for the wellbeing of the people. If it had remained semi-public we already would be moving to wind and solar energy throughout the nation. And perhaps we would not be living in the hottest year in history.

It is like the Post Office. Interesting that the private mail enterprises are much more expensive than the US Post Office but yet conservatives want to do away with it. Next it will be our water. Just imagine the graft that would arise with the privatization of water. More profit can be made by lowering standards. And how is the space race going with putting our vehicles in the hands of Boeing Aviation? If we had kept it all under government control we would have already stood on Mars.

There is a difference between free enterprise and allowing huge corporations to dominate the field and hold the American people hostage! But yet conservatives would think my views subversive. So I offer you my praise and admiration for your being willing to speak out and make a difference!


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Thank you, Geoffrey! I couldn't agree more. As I see it, any time, we insert a private entity in the business of the people and their government, costs increase. That's true except, of course, when you put in place a system of legalized bribery designed to make governmental services dysfunctional. That is exactly what is currently being done to the US Postal Service. Why is the Bank of North Dakota the only public bank in the United States?

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